Unique Programmes
Kaitiaki sessions give our older children a unique opportunity for greater exploration and learning in a range of skills. The important factor in the Kiatiaki Time is that the children are having fun while extending their knowledge in the concepts we have introduced during the general Kindergarten day and their Kiwiana adventures.
As Kaitiaki of Literacy the children develop understanding and recognition of the alphabet. We endeavour to instil a love of books and interest in the written word. We have had great success to date and the children enjoy the varied activities used to reinforce the topic of the day.
As Kaitiaki of Performing Arts the children develop confidence and creative ways of expressing themselves. The creativity in their play and language is being extended and is evident both at home and in their wider play at Kindy. The children are encouraged to have a go and feel good about themselves as young learners.
As Kaitiaki of Mathematics children investigate mathematical concepts in greater depth, ensuring a strong base for future learning. The children are involved in a variety of Maths games and related hands-on activities. The children have fun whilst developing a strong concrete foundation in concepts such as numeracy, measuring, geometry and related skills like being able to follow directions and interpret information.
As Kaitiaki of Technology & Science Club children learn to be constructive using simple tools and hands on materials. They are encouraged to follow a series of steps to complete a small project with increasing independence and experience success. The children also work with Information Technology (computers, cameras, printers) to follow a process culminating in an end product.

Our daily Perceptual Motorskills Programme (PMP) encourages children to use their senses to perceive how/where/when to move. The children have fun using stimulating activities that give them plenty of opportunity to practice with the support and encouragement of the teachers. The motor skills programme uses activities that focus on large core muscle groups to combine co-ordination, balance, laterality, eye tracking, sequencing and spatial awareness to develop the skills that eventually lead to the control of their bodies and the refinement of their fine motor skills - skills that are essential to children’s learning and developing the ability to learn in the classroom environment at school.
Teachers embed Te Reo and Tikanga in the curriculum to encourage children to learn and understand about our bi-cultural heritage. Waiata, myths, legends and storytelling are a valued and natural of our daily activities.